About Me

Yes, the radiant creature you see before you is me, Emily Tharp. 

I like to write things and try to be funny which is probably why you're here — that is, to laugh at what I write or to mock the horrible failure this blog may become. Either way, it's cool because I'm way into FAILING these days since it means you at least had the guts to try.

These "About" pages are always sooooo boring, so I thought I would spice it up with pictures of me being AWESOME and GORGEOUS slash looking like and idiot, which is basically the same thing in my book.

This guy is my husband, who you'll sometimes hear me complain about mention from time to time. 

       This is a highly exaggerated version of our daily life. 
This is more like it. 

We also have this AMAZING, ADORABLE, WONDERFUL, and also CUTE and PERFECT one-year-old of the boy variety, named Riley but I'm not sure if I wanna put up a pic of him because I've been watching an awful lot of Law and Order lately and there are are way too many sickos out there for me to be posting pictures of him all willy nilly. We'll see. 

Duck face: Sailor Edition.

I needed somewhere that I could put talk about cartoons and reality TV and LOUD MUSIC and the inappropriate things I think are funny, so I started this blog. The details of why I can't talk about that stuff all the time are TOP SECRET, so don't ask or I will have to kill you. But I will say that I don't work for the CIA — or for SD-6. (Nerd shout-out.)

"Do you have any comments, ma'am?" "Yes - ahhhhhhhhhh!"
This is a picture of me getting attacked/interviewed by Ninja Turtles. 


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